ECHO SQUAD - Mission in troubled waters

Dive into a 360° sensory experience, pilot your submarine: the Red Squid, discover the wonders of the ocean floor and face the dangers of the abyss.

ECHO SQUAD is an immersive adventure unique in the world aboard a submarine more real than life where everything is functional! Halfway between an escape game and a life-size video game, this team experience will surprise you!

Captain, pilot, gunner, mechanic, sonar... Form your team, work together and become the heroes of the Tessela Corp! In the depths of the abyss, cooperation, communication, manipulation and reflection will be necessary to carry out your mission in troubled waters...

2 X 4 to 6 players

60 minutes

65% of success

LAB info : ECHO SQUAD is a life-size immersive adventure. The DNA of the escape game, the technology of the video game and ultra-realistic settings are combined for a unique experience. Have you ever dreamed of diving into the depths of the abyss? Gear Prod has done it! Total immersion in this exceptional life-size game! Your interactions with the scenery are real. No need to know anything about submarines, your team spirit is your best asset.

2 identicals submarines
of 4 to 12 players (2 teams of 6 players). Plan 1H30 on site.

  • Children from 10 years old accompanied by an adult or from 14 years old alone.

👤 4 to 6 players : 1 submarine | 👤 8 to 12 players : 2 submarines | 28€ per person | Co-payment available More info

GEAR PROD : 5th floor @The Escape LAB - 21 rue du sentier 75002 PARIS   Air-conditioned game



Immersive and innovative attractions since 2016
Origin : Montpellier

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Its credo

By combining hybrid technologies and a narrative experience, Gear Prod offers fun, interactive adventures.

Its creations

Echo Squad - (severals missions)

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