25 players at The Escape LAB

Here are our suggested configurations for 25 players...

Would you like to organise an escape game for 25 people in Paris? Escape LAB offers the ideal setting for such an event. Discover our ultra-realistic immersive worlds, our soundproof rooms, and above all our affordable prices!

Our escapes games are available for 25 players or more

We offer 3 different configurations to play our escape games for 25 people.  

Configuration A

This configuration is the simplest of all. It allows up to 25 people to play in shifts. The first team immerses itself in the world of ALMA 3.0, while the second immerses itself in another game of its choice.

Play ALMA Menace 3.0 in 2 rooms for up to 25 players

Play ALMA 3.0 as a team, in 2 different rooms, simultaneously. This means that your actions will be synchronised, as will your conversations.

Select a game of your choice for the other players

Escape LAB gives you the chance to choose another game from 7 ultra-realistic escapes:

Configuration B (difficult)

In this configuration, you can choose between 2 games: PC Security and Powerstation. Each has a maximum capacity of players, with the possibility of players interacting simultaneously in 2 different rooms. 

Configuration C

In this configuration, your group will be split into 3 teams:

  • A team of 8 players: you can choose between Eclipse VR 4D and Ascenders VR 4D. Each of these games has a maximum capacity of 4 players.
  • A team of 12 players: she will play Maya Jungle simultaneously, in 2 rooms of 6 players each.
  • A team of 5 players: the latter will choose another set of 5 people.

Organise an escape game for 25 people in the centre of Paris

Escape LAB opens its doors to you in the 2ᵉ arrondissement, at "21 rue du Sentier 75002 Paris", so right in the centre of Paris. So, whatever your neighbourhood, or your commune in Île-de-France, it will be easy for you to get to.

With Escape LAB, organising an escape game for 25 people is a breeze. Our premises can accommodate up to 75 players simultaneously for 1 to 2 hours. Better still, our complex can accommodate more than a hundred players in a single day!

Book your escape game for 25 people

Would you like to organise an escape game for 25 people in the Paris region? Visit our website to reserve a time slot to suit your schedule. We recommend that you request a quote before booking. This will help you budget for your meeting.